Marketing voor de kerstperiode

Seth Godin is een van de betere moderne marketeers. Hij begrijpt hoe de nieuwe economie werkt en speelt daar slim op in. Om klanten over te halen zijn AltMBA trainingen te volgen geeft hij regelmatig gratis webinars. Hier kun je veel van leren. Alleen al omdat het vast en zeker antwoord geeft op een van de vragen waar jij mee zit.

Hij een compilatie gemaakt van zijn webinars in 2017. Ideaal om tijdens de kerstvakantie eens te bekijken.

Some of the questions include…

How can you make real change happen in 4 weeks?, Who are the coaches?, What kinds of projects are in the altMBA?, What is the time commitment?, Who’s it for?, How would you describe the altMBA community?, Does the altMBA focus on professional goals or does it also help achieve personal goals?, How do I know if I’m ready to take the altMBA?

Would the altMBA make me better at managing upwards, downwards and laterally? Is this a good program for someone who is feeling stuck and uncertain? After completing the program, what are the major changes you see in graduates? What can I do to convince others around me, and my employer, that this is worth the shared sacrifice? Do you think it would be beneficial to take the altMBA with an employee or colleague? How do I know if I’m ready to take the altMBA? How do you link the program content to real world business issues?

I fear that I am underaccomplished compared to your average admitted student. Would you recommend applying anyways? I’m keen to know how the altMBA would be useful to someone who never plans to enter corporate world again.Will the altMBA be beneficial for solopreneurs just starting out with a new venture? As a solopreneur for 11 years, I am at a crossroads, wondering what’s next. Will the altMBA help me answer that question? How can I justify spending so much on a workshop when I’m a one-person team? What’s the ROI for a freelancer?

When do you know it’s time to sprint? What does it mean to see differently? Is Linchpin a generic manual for the altMBA? How do you embrace tension in your work? Would you recommend this course for a CFO? When you make a project, how do you know the difference between honest critical feedback and non believers of your idea?

Is the altMBA helpful for people seeking a career change? If I want to start my own business, would the altMBA be a good program to sharpen my ideas?What is the ultimate purpose of the alumni network? Are the projects self-directed?

What made you take the leap to apply? How does the altMBA affect your schedule? Balancing work, family, and the altMBA. How have you changed since the altMBA? What’s an example of something you approached differently because of something you learned in the workshop? Was there anything unexpected or surprising about the workshop? How would you describe the altMBA community? What did you learn about yourself? What’s the biggest benefit that you got from participating? What was it like working on projects with different groups each week? What’s your biggest takeaway from the workshop? What is a change that has lasted since you graduated from the program?

Via kun je je abonneren op zijn blogposts. Van harte aanbevolen!

WIN gaat over werken in de context van de nieuwe economie. De nieuwe economie is in ontwikkeling en omvat een breed scala aan onderwerpen en thema’s die van invloed zijn op je werk. Door daar kennis van te nemen bouw je een voorsprong op. Je komt tot nieuwe inzichten en ideeën en je breidt je netwerk uit met waardevolle contacten. 

In de nieuwe economie werk je samen. Daarom plaatsen we belangeloos activiteiten, bijeenkomsten en conferenties op de agenda die relevant zijn in dit verband. Je leert dan op een natuurlijke manier de nieuwe economie ontdekken. Dit event is hier een voorbeeld van.

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