Sixty minutes back to the future

Future Based’s ‘Sixty minutes back to the Future’ series is a new series in which we reflect on the bottlenecks and challenges of today’s society, and contemporary issues that have already been addressed by numerous philosophers and scientists: What can we learn about the future by looking at history?

The structure of the lectures is as follows: In sixty minutes, an artist, designer, researcher, or scientist talks about her/his field of work and what theories and thinkers have influenced their work. […] We will then reflect on how these theories, ways of thinking, and researches are relevant for understanding the state of today’s society, what we can learn from them about the ‘now,’ and why it is relevant to involve our past in our speculations about the future.

The purpose of these webinars:

To leave you with a head full of questions and the eagerness to go and conduct research yourselves. Luckily, you will receive access to a document with reading suggestions and relevant texts at the end of the lecture.

A note: In these times of challenges of all sorts, we need to lend each other a helping hand. That’s why Future Based organises these webinars on a non-profit basis. This means that ticket sales go directly to the artist, designer or scientist.

Sixty minutes into the Future with Aldo Houterman:

Philosophy of the virus

In this webinar introduction of philosophy of the virus, philosopher of the body Aldo Houterman explains why he thinks viruses are philosophically important. In these 60 minutes, he will discuss four philosophers and their views on the concept of ‘virus,’ and how viruses have influenced the shaping of our society over the centuries. After the webinar we will share the texts that Aldo will discuss with you.

Tickets EUR 9.

WIN gaat over werken in de context van de nieuwe economie. In de nieuwe economie gaan welvaart en welzijn hand in hand. De nieuwe economie is in ontwikkeling en omvat een breed scala aan onderwerpen en thema’s die van invloed zijn op je werk. Door daar kennis van te nemen bouw je een voorsprong op. Je komt tot nieuwe inzichten en ideeën en je breidt je netwerk uit met waardevolle contacten. 

In de nieuwe economie werk je samen. Daarom plaatsen we belangeloos activiteiten, bijeenkomsten en conferenties op de agenda die relevant zijn in dit verband. Je leert dan op een natuurlijke manier de nieuwe economie ontdekken. Dit event is hier een voorbeeld van.

Kies je programma

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@werkinnetwerken #zdha