Weconomy Game

The knowledgeable Jeroen van Beele, from @Guts4Roses, the inventor of this game, will facilitate himself The “WEconomy” experience in the Knowmads Business School on the 19th of October. The “WEconomy” game is a simulation which lets you experience what the sharing economy might be like in the future, and helps you think of what would be your part in this economy.

Quite an eye opener, the behaviour of people in the simulatıon is very interesting, not only to experience, but also to observe.

The number of players is limited to 20 humans max, but spectators are more than welcome, and after we finish, we will reflect shortly on the experience, and see what are our conclusions from it  😉

Do you wanna know more about WEconomy?

Here is an explanation from the website:  (http://guts4roses.org/simulation/)

Our market economy is not a free market, the free market is an utopia but even if our economy would be a free market, there still would be winners and losers.

What is our current economy makes for winners and losers? And if we take out that sting, what would our economy look like? Do we still use money? What role will the internet play? Do we still have to learn and work?

You encounter all these questions and much more when you play the WEconomy experience.

WIN gaat over werken in de context van de nieuwe economie. De nieuwe economie is in ontwikkeling en omvat een breed scala aan onderwerpen en thema’s die van invloed zijn op je werk. Door daar kennis van te nemen bouw je een voorsprong op. Je komt tot nieuwe inzichten en ideeën en je breidt je netwerk uit met waardevolle contacten. 

In de nieuwe economie werk je samen. Daarom plaatsen we belangeloos activiteiten, bijeenkomsten en conferenties op de agenda die relevant zijn in dit verband. Je leert dan op een natuurlijke manier de nieuwe economie ontdekken. Dit event is hier een voorbeeld van.

Kies je programma

Knowmads Business School

Knowmads Business School
Ferdinand Huyckstraat 62
1061 HW Amsterdam