Lean Innovation Summit
On the 11th of November an unconference where you can meet your peers and discuss and share topics around Lean & Corporate Innovation and more.
What is an Unconference?
Open schedule
The unconference is an open agenda where you decide on what sessions happen, and when. Together with the other participants you vote for the sessions that will take place.
Run your own session
Pitch your own challenge, session or presentation. No preparations are needed, with proven facilitation formats we optimise for knowledge transfer between you and the other participants.
Learn from peers
Easily the best part of an unconference is that you learn directly from peers. The session formats leave enough time to get to the bottom of a persons’ learnings.
Sessions are proposed by attendees at the start of the event and there are no pre-set topics. The unconference typically has 3 concurrent tracks and there is always something for everyone. The vast majority of the sessions are in “round-table” format, meaning that they are a discussion amongst everybody in the room. But, some people come in with a short presentation or workshop that they offer as a session.
Anyone can propose a session to:
• Share their knowledge
• Ask for help
• Discuss a topic
Tickets EUR 39-99.
Venture Café
Venture Cafe

WIN gaat over werken in de context van de nieuwe economie. De nieuwe economie is in ontwikkeling en omvat een breed scala aan onderwerpen en thema’s die van invloed zijn op je werk. Door daar kennis van te nemen bouw je een voorsprong op. Je komt tot nieuwe inzichten en ideeën en je breidt je netwerk uit met waardevolle contacten.
In de nieuwe economie werk je samen. Daarom plaatsen we belangeloos activiteiten, bijeenkomsten en conferenties op de agenda die relevant zijn in dit verband. Je leert dan op een natuurlijke manier de nieuwe economie ontdekken. Dit event is hier een voorbeeld van.