Learn programming Basics with Ruby

November 3 10-12

While many jobs are gradually becoming automised, the demand for IT professionals worldwide is growing rapidly. And the tech industry is evolving fast.

Do you have the skill-set to face the job market of the future? If not, are you ready to upskill?

In this beginners workshop, we will introduce you to Ruby, a programming language used by many tech companies – among them Evernote, Shopify, Stripe, Blue Apron, Square, etc.

What you will learn
You will get an introduction to the basics of Ruby and will discover the pillars of programming, common to most languages (variables, methods, loops, …).
You will code your first lines of Ruby using our exercices platform. Our experienced teachers will guide and help you along the way.

Who can attend

  • This workshop is designed for anyone who wants to learn programming, whatever your educational background, working experience, age or gender.
  • No prior coding experience is required.


  • Your laptop, fully charged
  • Your enthusiasm and passion for learning.

Train Yourself For the Future
We are organising this event as a part of TechConnect Week, taking place in the last week of October. TechConnect is all about celebrating digital skills and tech jobs. It aims to make tech jobs of the future accessible to the labour market in the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area. TechConnect is an initiative of the Amsterdam Economic Board.

If you want to attend this workshop, you must register to reserve your seat. There are limited spots.

WIN gaat over werken in de context van de nieuwe economie. De nieuwe economie is in ontwikkeling en omvat een breed scala aan onderwerpen en thema’s die van invloed zijn op je werk. Door daar kennis van te nemen bouw je een voorsprong op. Je komt tot nieuwe inzichten en ideeën en je breidt je netwerk uit met waardevolle contacten. 

In de nieuwe economie werk je samen. Daarom plaatsen we belangeloos activiteiten, bijeenkomsten en conferenties op de agenda die relevant zijn in dit verband. Je leert dan op een natuurlijke manier de nieuwe economie ontdekken. Dit event is hier een voorbeeld van.

Kies je programma

Le Wagon Amsterdam A Lab


Le Wagon Amsterdam
A Lab
Overhoeksplein 2
1031 KS Amsterdam